a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.
Honestly I cannot tell you how many times even after getting saved I have felt just the shame of things that I did and even after being saved how many times I have felt shame when I get in the flesh.
My pastor has said multiple times that when we are saved, we are saved in the spirit but our flesh does not get saved. We still will be in the flesh.
But is it REALLY good to still have shame for things you or Ive done in the past?
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
There are a few words that stick out to me in these verses:
Wholly: entirely; fully.
Whole: in an unbroken or undamaged state; in one piece
Preserved: maintain (something) in its original or existing state
Blameless: innocent of wrongdoing
Faithful: remaining loyal and steadfast
When you are reading these words and the definitions, its very clear that God just wants peace for you and for me. These would not have been put into his word if they were not important words for us to read and for us to just internalize.
When I was studying Paul and why he wrote 1 Thessalonians, the main reason this book was written was because we are to remain faithful to Jesus and grow in faith. Paul talks about how Christians will get persecuted for being just that, Christians.
We will get persecuted non stop for our past, but its just that, our past! (Yes, I am telling this to myself as well)
I am thankful that God brought this verse to mind the other day. I know I am not the only person that has dealt with shame of the past but I know I am not the only one that is whole in Christ! You can be too if you learn to let go each day! its not easy, trust me.
Some days are harder than others. And when it starts creeping back in, you just say " get thee behind me Satan!"
Not today and not tomorrow!
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