Today is the day after elections of 2024.
Last night, our preacher asked our church to come together and just pray for our nation. Not one person is going to fix issues in our country but one has to be better than the other. Not only that, but if God is in our country and part of that, we will be a better people for that.
As my preacher was giving us scripture to look at, I had something come to mind. It stemmed from another homeschooling friend of mine. I watched one of her reels of what she does in the morning. So, I am giving her the credit for that!
Every morning her kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the Pledge to the Christian flag AND also the pledge to the bible.
What a way to start out a day, knowing that we live in a country where we DO have the freedom to vote, living under a flag that means so much to most people.
What a way to start out the day to remember what our forefathers started this country under, Christian morals and values.
I pledge allegiance
to the Christian Flag
and to the Savior for whose
Kingdom it stands.
One Savior, crucified, risen,
and coming again
with life and liberty to all
who believe.
What a way to start out our day to remember where our help DOES come from! Theres so many promises in that book and if we take the time to read it, we will know!
I pledge allegiance to the Bible,
God’s Holy Word.
I will make it a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path,
and will hide its words
in my heart that I might
not sin against God.
But before starting to say these everyday for school, I'd like the children to know who wrote these, when it was written and why. That gains a better understanding of why we say these and why they are so important.
Currently, they are busy working away doing research and writing about them.
I'm excited to see what they have learned during their research!
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